OBG | Gynec | Arterial | Venous thrombosis | Venous reflux | Renal | Carotid | Scrotum

PHT | AV Malformation | Aorta & iliac | Aneurysm | Upper limb arterial | Venous upper limb

Thyroid | Soft tissue | Abdomen | Lymphnode | EYE | Muk Cases | USG Cases | Doppler Artifacts

Dr. Jiten shall explain why and how he reached to the same diagnosis during training.


Indication of Colour Doppler

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Economics of Colour Doppler

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Live Clips of Colour Doppler Cases



01 Focal nodular hyperplasia in liver
02 Malrotation of bowels
03 Malrotation of bowels
04 Mid gut volvulus
05 Mid gut volvulus
06 GB Mass role of doppler
07 Pancreatic mass lesion
08 Splenic hematoma
09 Liver contusion
10 Acute appendicitis
11 Umbilical hernia contain huge fibroid
12 Obstructed incisional hernia
13 Thickened and odematous bowel wall
14 Psoas inflammation
15 Colon shows inflammatory wall
16 Rectum shows inflammatory changes
17 SMA shows more than 60(pc) stenosis


HANDS ON TRAINING | Indication of Colour Doppler | Who can take training?* CONDITIONS
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About Bhavnagar | Learn while you Run | Testimonials

Sheth Live 3D (4D) Sonography & Digital X-ray Clinic , Kalanala, Bhavnagar. Gujarat. India.