OBG | Gynec | Arterial | Venous thrombosis | Venous reflux | Renal | Carotid | Scrotum

PHT | AV Malformation | Aorta & iliac | Aneurysm | Upper limb arterial | Venous upper limb

Thyroid | Soft tissue | Abdomen | Lymphnode | EYE | Muk Cases | USG Cases | Doppler Artifacts

Dr. Jiten shall explain why and how he reached to the same diagnosis during training.


Indication of Colour Doppler

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Economics of Colour Doppler

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Live Clips of Colour Doppler Cases



01 Normal MCA
02 MCA in hyrocephalus
03 Brain sparing effect
04 Brain sparing effect
05 MCA in brain sparing effect
06 Normal uterine artery
07 Notch in uterine artery
08 Uterine artery notch
09 Uterine artery notch
10 Systolic notch in uterine artery
11 Reverse flow in uterine artery
12 Reverse flow in uterine artery
13 Uterine artery shows 2 branches
14 UMA shows less diastolic flow
15 Umbilical artery shows reverse component
16 Double pulsation
17 Pulsatile umbilical vein
18 Normal DV
19 Role of DV in omphalocele
20 DV shows decline a component
21 Ductus venosus shows absent a component
22 DV shows reverse a component
23 Role of doppler in fetal bladder outlet obstruction
24 Uterine synechiae
25 Placenta acerata
26 Hypoplastic left atrium and left ventricle with omphalocele
28 Hypoplastic right ventricle with reverse flow in ductus venosus
29 VSD
30 Cleft palate and lip
31 Cord around neck
32 Nuchal thickness
33 Fetal GB stone
34 Sacrococcygeal Teratoma
35 Occipital enceplocele and cleft palate


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Sheth Live 3D (4D) Sonography & Digital X-ray Clinic , Kalanala, Bhavnagar. Gujarat. India.