OBG | Gynec | Arterial | Venous thrombosis | Venous reflux | Renal | Carotid | Scrotum

PHT | AV Malformation | Aorta & iliac | Aneurysm | Upper limb arterial | Venous upper limb

Thyroid | Soft tissue | Abdomen | Lymphnode | EYE | Muk Cases | USG Cases | Doppler Artifacts

Dr. Jiten shall explain why and how he reached to the same diagnosis during training.


Indication of Colour Doppler

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Economics of Colour Doppler

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Live Clips of Colour Doppler Cases



01 Funniculitis
02 Epididymo orchitis with funniculitis with mild hydrocele
03 Epididymo orchitis with developing small abscesses
04 Epididymitis with funniculitis with subcutneous abscesss
05 Epididymitis with abscess
06 Bilateral epididymo orchitis
07 Spermatic cord abscess
08 Partial torsion
09 Testicular torsion
10 Testicular torsion
11 Torsion of testis
12 Undecended testicular torsion
13 Testicular trauma
14 Testicular infract
15 Early testicular mass lesion
16 Testicular mass
17 Cystic testicular mass
18 Seminoma
19 Testicular mass with metastasis
20 Testicular abscess
21 Devloping testicular abscess
22 Epididymis abscess
23 Epididymis abscess
24 Epidydmis heamtoma
25 Hemmorhargic epididimitis
26 Epididymis mass
27 Epididymis mass
28 Cellulitis
29 Scrotum subcutaneous tissue abscess
30 Anaerobic infection in scrotal wall
31 Varicocele grade - 3
32 Intra testicular varicocele.
33 Scrotum shows significant dialted vein
34 Undecended testis
35 Obstructed hernia
36 Right testis injury
37 Skin dermoid in scrotum
38 Pripisam


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Sheth Live 3D (4D) Sonography & Digital X-ray Clinic , Kalanala, Bhavnagar. Gujarat. India.